Upon completion of the course, attendees will be familiar with the history of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (Longshore Act), the legal context of the Longshore Act, coverage under the Longshore Act with reference to the issues of situs and status; be familiar with correct rating codes for risks with Longshore Act exposures; be able to determine compensation benefits payable under the Longshore Act; will be able to identify and use the Longshore Act’s claims terminology and know the correct forms and procedures involved when a claim occurs. Jurisdictional problems related to overlap with the Jones Act and concurrent state act jurisdiction will also be discussed.

Upon completion, attendees will have gained knowledge of the remedies under the Jones Act and the General Maritime Law. The attendees will understand why MEL coverage is needed, who needs it, and how it relates to other insurance programs (i.e. USL&H). Additionally, the attendee will gain knowledge on the actual policy language, how to create a submission, rating and we will discuss actual claims case studies.