Why Should I Attend?
The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act is a workers' compensation law with which marine insurance professionals should be familiar. This law requires coverage for employees working over or near the navigable waters of the United States, or by extension, overseas on U.S. military bases or on government contracts, on the outer continental shelf of the United States in the oil and gas industry, and in civilian employment on domestic U.S. military bases.
Writing coverage under the Longshore Act or its extensions can be tricky. Coverage issues are complex, the negative consequences for employers who do not properly insure the exposure are severe, and it is expensive.
It is also essential to distinguish Longshore Act exposure from Maritime Employers' Liability exposure under the Jones Act, the general maritime law, and related remedies. You should be aware of when these laws may apply, and where to go to get proper coverage.
Will I Receive Credit?
Both the USL&H and MEL classes offered provide participants with 4 credit hours per class. These classes are approved in Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana ONLY. If you do not have an Alabama, Florida, or Louisiana producer or servicer license, please be aware that we cannot offer credit for this class; but we may have a class coming soon in your home state.
Who Should Attend?
If you handle any accounts with marine exposure this is the class for you!